new and consistent.

new and consistent.

new and consistent.

We are an engineering platform, our motto is from design to implementation. We have engineering experience of more than 3 years with the best engineers who are characterized by experience and competence. We have more than 100 projects in the field.
We strongly believe in our ability to produce new ideas and designs that are contemporary and conform to the specifications, rules and regulations of Dubai in terms of contemporary designs and their conformity to green building regulations.
Build your dream villa with the AL MUSHEEREC.

Al Musheer EngineeringWe aspire to be the first choice for our customers to provide quality and economical designs and projects in accordance with the requirements of green buildings and challanges to any of the architectural projects

Architectural design is both the process and the product of planning, designing and constructing building and other physical structures.

We provide complete engineering and specialized design service to its projects through associated professionally recognized and capable sub-consultants

We offer a wide range of Engineering services to span the entire lifespan of nearly any building project. With over 5+ years of experience and industry knowledge.

Build better futures with steady focus on quality

Latest completed projects

Our mission is to make design and projects as
trademark proud of our customer to provide an
engineering, economic and contemporary design
for modernity and technological development with
the new technology and creative design unique and
المهندس فراس راقي في التعامل ، استقبال ممتاز

The saying and deed of engineer Mohamed Firas 💭 deserves support
One of the few offices that care about the smallest details and give the customer attention and the designs are beautiful and modern and most importantly they are frank with you in everything
Excellent office. Their services are excellent and their designs are sweet, creative and meet the requirements. God help them
خدمات رائعة و طاقم عمل متميز
اتمنى لكم التوفيق
الحمدلله شغلهم ممتاز و متابعين الشغل اول باول 👍🏽👍🏽
A very excellent office and excellent service 👌 Trust me, I felt that there was an interest on the part of the engineer, Firas, first with his morals and open-heartedness, and then with his elegant style
With all due respect and appreciation to Professor Engineer Muhammad Firas, a respectable person with high morals who receives you with respect. Every person who wants to complete his project as soon as possible is with the good person. I advise people to deal with him, God willing. He understands and gives you what you want. And he provides it
A unique quality with a tremendous professional way of work
With all due respect and appreciation to Professor Engineer Mohamed Firas, a respectable person with high morals welcomes you with respect. Everyone who wants to complete his project as soon as possible with a good person. I advise people in him that they deal with him, God willing. and bless him
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